Welcome to the Official Website of Tammy Slaton

Journey with me through life’s ups and downs

Meet Tammy

Discover the story of Tammy Slaton, from her challenges to her triumphs on and off the screen. Learn more about her journey through weight loss, health struggles, and personal growth.

Dreaming Big: Setting My Weight Loss Goals

My weight loss journey began with setting clear, achievable goals. I knew the road would be tough, but defining what I wanted to achieve helped me stay focused and motivated. Learn how I set realistic targets and the importance of small victories.

The Roadblocks: Overcoming Challenges

Every journey has its hurdles, and mine was no different. From emotional eating to physical limitations, I faced numerous challenges. Discover how I learned to overcome these obstacles and stay on the path to better health.

On a Rollercoaster: Managing Emotional Swings

Weight loss isn’t just physical—it’s emotional too. I experienced many highs and lows, from joy at progress to frustration during plateaus. Here’s how I managed these emotional swings to keep moving forward.

My Pillars: Leaning on Support Systems

No one succeeds alone, and I was blessed with a strong support network of family, friends, and professionals. Find out how leaning on my support system was crucial to my journey and how others can build their own support networks.

Celebrating Success: Milestones and Achievements

Every pound lost and every new habit formed was a reason to celebrate. Celebrating these milestones kept me motivated. Read about the key achievements in my journey and how celebrating small wins can lead to big success.

Looking Back: Lessons Learned

Reflecting on my journey, I’ve learned a lot about myself and what it takes to persevere. I share the key lessons that anyone on a similar path might find useful, including the importance of patience and self-love.


Explore a collection of my favorite moments captured on camera. From family gatherings to public appearances, browse through my personal and public life snapshots.

At first, I lacked confidence and spent every day in self-doubt. I avoided facing the camera, detested anything that reflected my image, including mirrors and phone cameras. Now, I confront myself with ease, and I’ve grown much more confident.

On a day in May, I took this photo at the hotel, and you can see my abdomen shrinking. Everything is progressing in a positive direction, which has given me great confidence.

“Hey Tammy!! Just watched the new episode last night. Just want to say I’m so very happy for you, look have come SO far girl!! You look amazing!! I’m a huge fan of the show AN”。


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@tammyslaton2020 @Paranormal Princess ♬ original sound – Tammy slaton

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